Tuesday, October 20, 2009

12.3 I am Happy when....

Ladys and Gentlemen! long time no see. Well when I am happy, I play Online Game hit the other player ship and sunk their ship. It was great! I use half a year to make my Battle ship called iowa class. It's very powerful and it can fire nine 16inch shall, If you attack the other player destroyer, you can 2 hits can sink their ship. And this Online Game all player is European, So you need to type english to communicate with them, and I join their clan, they call me use the microphone to talking with them. So I can learning more english listerning. It 's good for me.

Thanks for watch my post~^^~

1 comment:

  1. It sounds good. I think the game is for men not for women. I've never played those war game.
    so when I visit your home, please try it.


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